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Beaded Leaf Pin - Spring


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This is a custom color scheme of a pattern found in the book "The Beaded Garden" by Diane Fitzgerald. This pin curves a lot less than the autumn pin, most likely because of the difference in bead shape. It does still curve but it's much less pronounced. It's also very sparkly in comparison to autumn.

Uses size 11 glass seed beads in silver-lined green and blue-green. The beads are hex-cut so they sparkle and shine with every turn and motion! Threaded together with green Japanese One G nylon. Sewn and secured onto a 1.5 inch silver-colored pin. Peyote for the leaves, herringbone for the stem.

Color Total: 2
Bead Sizes: 1
Size: 2.5 x 2.5 inches
Time: 3 hours

Beaded Leaf Pin - Autumn by pinkythepink
Image size
1500x971px 2.59 MB
© 2014 - 2024 pinkythepink
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